

2024年9月中国线下研讨会 - IFFO中国区第七届海洋原料研讨会将于 2024 年 9 月 3 日在中国厦门举行,主题是“探索海洋原料的价值点和全球市场动态”。相关信息会适时发布在中国研讨会页面。请将此日期保存到您的日历中。

2024年度大会 - IFFO下一届年度大会日期已确定,将于 2024 年 10 月 21 日至 23 日葡萄牙里斯本举行。相关信息会适时发布在里斯本年会页面。请将此日期保存到您的日历中。

2024年度客户会员大会 - IFFO年度客户会员大会日期已于 2024 年 4 月 15 日至 17 日美国迈阿密举行。会议重点内容可在博客浏览,IFFO客户会员还可在会员区获得PDF课件。

Members' Meeting - April 2024

The IFFO Members' Meetings attracted a high attendance as we welcomed 217 delegates attending from 29 countries and continues to be a popular event. To view the Key Takeaways visit the Blog page, and members can also access the presentations via the members' area.

Annual Conference - Lima 2022

IFFO’s 60th Annual Conference held in Lima came to an end after three days of insightful discussions and presentations from thirty speakers. IFFO’s first in-person annual conference since 2019 attracted almost 500 delegates attending from 35 countries and this was the highest attended IFFO conference ever. To view the Key Takeaways visit the Blog page.

Members' Meeting - May 2023

The IFFO Members' Meetings continue to grow and this year we welcomed 220 delegates attending from 29 countries making this event our highest attended members' meetings ever. To view the Key Takeaways visit the Blog page, and members can also access the presentations via the members' area.