
We have removed the paper on variation in EPA and DHA concentrations for fish oils that we published earlier. This is due to inconsistencies in the methodology that was applied, leading to inaccuracies.

The nature of fish oil production as a natural resource is one that is influenced by a range of biological and environmental factors. The total eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations in fish oils, and the fish oil yields, are heavily influenced by species, season, availability of food for the growing fish, lifecycle stage of fish, and local environmental conditions (e.g. temperature). 

IFFO therefore suggests that customers make direct contact with their suppliers on the EPA and DHA concentrations of those products in order to have assurance on the EPA and DHA content of specific fish oil batches.  IFFO knows from the data we hold that there can be marked variation in oil yield, and EPA and DHA concentrations for individual species, and it is important that customers for these products check the sample analysis independently. 

Laboratory Fish Oil